Design Guides
Progressive, purposeful and practical guides.
We show you how to think, not what to think.

Kenya Street Design Manual
Design guide for developing countries incorporating the latest thinking.

NACTO's Urban Street Design Guide
Project manager and co-author.
“[NACTO’s Urban Street Design Guide] has managed to hit a sweet spot, presenting street design in a form that an engaged layperson could understand but with enough meat that a transportation engineer wouldn’t feel insulted. This is a book that you might very well use as a reference on a regular basis.” —https://www.planetizen.com/topbooks2014
“Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasizes the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic.” —www.bookdepository.com
"It has been forty years since Americans first walked on the moon. Now indeed, focus has come to walking on US streets. This book is a much needed, very readable, and well-illustrated design guideline for all types of people-friendly streets. Well done." —Jan Gehl

TOD Standard
Contributing author.
from todstandard.org: “The TOD Standard 3.0 is an attempt to move from complete streets to complete communities. TOD, or transit-oriented development, means integrated urban places designed to bring people, activities, buildings, and public space together, with easy walking and cycling connection between them and near-excellent transit service to the rest of the city. It means inclusive access for all to local and citywide opportunities and resources by the most efficient and healthful combination of mobility modes, at the lowest financial and environmental cost, and with the highest resilience to disruptive events. Inclusive TOD is a necessary foundation for long-term sustainability, equity, and shared prosperity in cities.”

Complete Streets Chicago
Project manager and principal author.
The most innovative and progressive street design guide in North America.
“The new Complete Streets guidelines says that pedestrian Level of Service will be most important from now on, and the motor vehicle LOS will be least important. I’m not kidding; it’s on page 110. Can we get an ALLELUIA here?” — http://www.bikewalklincolnpark.com, 14 Apr 2013.
download AppendixA_CitywideTypologyStudy
download AppendixB_DesignTrees

Abu Dhabi Urban Street Design Manual
Street Design Elements chapter author.
download chapter part 1, part 2
2013 Institute of Transportation Engineers Award for Best Program – the first time the award has been given to a non-US group.
From the jury: “The [USDM] is based on a strong vision of what the city should become…it is beautifully crafted, detailed and comprehensive, yet easily understandable.”

Our Cities Ourselves
Contributing author.
“If you’re tired of narrow bike lanes and uninspiring concrete walkways, have no fear. The new global transport initiative, Our Cities Ourselves demonstrates how metropolises from Dar es Salaam to Buenos Aires can meet the challenges of accelerating population growth, as well as responding to climate change.” —Inhabitat

Flexible Design of New Jersey's Main Streets
“Through case studies and surveys, the study team discovered a burgeoning national movement away from strict reliance on highway design templates and toward flexible highway design, especially in the Northeastern and Northwestern United States. The movement seems rooted in the notion that the nation’s highways are essentially complete, and working with existing roadways will require special sensitivity to context.” —njbikeped.org

Safe Routes to Transit
Guide focusing on pedestrian facilities leading to and at transit stops.